Ozsports Radio

Bringing Sports to your Radio


Advertising on Ozsports Radio

Have you ever listened to the radio, heard an ad and thought, “You know what? I should grab one of those.” That’s the power and the immediacy of radio advertising. Across the day it is very effective at reaching and audience who are on the move.

If you’ve never advertised on Ozsports Radio (or radio) before, click the tabs to learn how advertising can work for your business.

Why Advertise?

There are numerous reasons why so many businesses owe a great deal of their success to advertising – here are just a few…

Reach New Customers

Your market changes constantly. Whether it’s new residents in your areas or newcomers to your target market, you need to reach these potential new customers with messages about your products or services.


Buying habits change. While existing customers may no longer require your products or services, people who were not previously in the market for what you have to offer may now be prime customer prospects.


Customers are faced with many choices. Customers need a helping hand in making their purchasing decisions. When they want to purchase, having your company’s name, location, products, services and benefits firmly in mind will help them decide in your favour.

Long Term Benefits

Advertising is an investment in the current and future success of your business. It gives you short and long-term advantages over the competitors, creates a relationship with your customers, and instils confidence in your staff and suppliers. Advertising today protects your business for tomorrow.

Cost Efficient Targeting

Radio can be highly segmented, which enables you to target more specific audiences by demographic, resulting in maximum penetration for minimum wastage. Due to less wastage, delivery costs are much lower compared to other media. Production costs are also significantly lower.


Radio builds high frequency of exposure to reinforce and drive home your message. By including radio in your media mix, you can dramatically increase the number of consumer impacts and get better results.


Radio’s flexibility allows advertisers to mount a campaign, change on-air schedule or creative, or amend copy on a day-to-day basis to reflect consumer response or combat competitor activity.


No other medium comes close to radio’s promotional capacity – from on-air competitions and giveaways to a live broadcast from your outlet, and integration with social media – radio can generate excitement and traffic for your business.

If you would like your have your message heard by thousands of potential customers in the Southern Tablelands listening area, give a professional member of the Eagle FM Sales and Marketing Team a call on (02) 4821 7777